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Listed below you will find different websites that I frequently visit. I go by "shuedini" on most websites. These sites have been invaluable to me over the years for several reasons. Whether I'm attempting to identify a particular parallel on BaseballCardPedia or just chatting with fellow collectors on FreedomCardBoard, these sites are my go-to sites for everything to do with this collecting hobby. I've recently started using The Trading Card Database to keep track of my Scott Rolen player collection. The player checklist there seems to be pretty complete and there are several different tools you can use to see how your collection is doing. I've linked each of the sites below, just click on the picture to check them out.


This site is a valuable resource for collectors, especially when you're trying to figure out things like tiny differences between the myriad of parallels produced throughout the years.

A Wiki based site that is a collaborative effort among baseball card collectors. 


This forum was created out of necessity back in 2008.​ It is a community made up of members with decades of card collecting experience. A friendly bunch who are always willing to help out other members.

One of the most knowledgeable group of people you'll ever have the experience of chatting with about our shared love of collecting.

The Trading Card Database.jpg

With nearly 12 million cards listed in checklists and over 3 million scans added by collectors, this is a great site for cross referencing cards in your collection that you may have questions about. If you still can't identify your card, there is a forum on the site with a large group of knowledgeable collectors who can help you out.

New scans are added daily to the site. Check it out and add your collection to the database.

The Rolen Collection is not affiliated with Scott Rolen or Major League Baseball in any way.

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